
If you are interested in Reiki, and are looking for a caring and holistic practitioner, you are guaranteed a warm welcome by Leanne. Reiki is intended to help relaxation, balance and healing, and is a highly relaxing and beneficial treatment for the whole wellbeing.

Contact Us  Benefits of Reiki  Remote Reiki



About Lee

Hey, I'm Leanne and I also go by Lee for short. I am a Reiki Master Teacher/Healer and Archangel intuitive consultant. 

My spiritual journey began when my friend introduced me to the world of crystals and explained their energies, and their individual properties and healing benefits to me. From then on, my journey into the world began - I started looking in depth into meditating and into the chakras. I started realising that by implementing meditation daily, using crystals and working and channelling the energies around me, that I had the power to change my mindset and shift my own internal energies. This has helped me significantly in working through the pain of being a sexual assault survivor, and through anxiety and depression.

Being open to healing and growth has allowed me to develop and nurture a greater understanding of the effects that crystals, chakras and meditations, and all the energies surrounding us can have on our lives. Connecting to the earth and to spirituality in this way, I believe can have a hugely positive, affirming and transformative impact on our lives - connecting mind, body and soul so that we can be the best and most free versions of ourselves.

Reiki Training with Leanne 

I also teach level 1 and 2 reiki here at spiritual healing shop.

Usui Reiki level 1 course is an introduction to Reiki for beginners or those who want to refresh their skills. you will learn how to connect with Reiki energy for both self healing and the healing of others. 

The Usui Reiki level 2 course is for those who have completed level 1 Reiki and want to develop their Reiki skills further. you will learn the Reiki symbols and how to send Reiki from a distance also known as remote Reiki.

all training dates are on a Friday and Saturday day 11:00am to 6:00pm 

Level 1 dates: 

20th and 21st September 2024 

8th and 9th November 2024

Level 1 Reiki cost £150

Level 2 dates: 

27th and 28th September 2024

15th and 16ht November 2024

Level 2 Reiki cost £250

payment plans available.


So, what is Reiki?

Meaning: (Rei) universal life (ki) energy 

Reiki was founded by a Japanese Buddhist monk called Mikeo Usui over a century ago. Mikeo Usui used Reiki to bring health and happiness to all. Reiki is a life energy that flows through all living things.




What to expect from a session? 

The session is usually 60 minutes in total, with a brief discussion before the treatment where you can discuss any problems or issues you are experiencing. Following the discussion, there will be a 45 minute Reiki treatment and then a short feedback session after the treatment. 

  • For the Reiki session you will rest on a massage bed on your back with your shoes removed or sat comfortably in a chair. 
  • Reiki is done while you are fully clothed, it is recommended that you wear loose comfortable clothing. 
  • During our first discussion before I start the session, I will ask if you prefer hands on where I apply a light touch during the session. Alternately, you can choose to have hands off where I will hold my hands slightly over your body. This option means no physical contact.
  • Hands off provides the same level of healing as hands on but is beneficial if you'd prefer to not be physically touched. 
  • I will start at the head and work though the chakra points then work down to the feet. 
  • You may feel a warming sensation or tingling during the session or pure relaxation and fall asleep. The session aim is to offer a pleasant and grounding space.
  • After the treatment I will then give you some feedback. 




Remote Reiki

A remote Reiki session lasts for 45 minutes. You can book your session via phone call, text, Instagram, email or online. I will arrange a date and time with you directly. I will also contact you using your preferred method on the day of your session to confirm your appointment. 

During the session I recommend that you are laying down or sitting in a relaxed space, where you won't be disturbed. No communication is needed during the session as the healing is sent though the energy of my intention to you, and you being open to receiving the healing energies.

I tune into the healing energy with the intention of sending it to you, wherever you are located. This healing energy flows through the energy currents that exist all around us, such as, phone, television and radio signals this energy goes all around the world without any barriers Reiki also uses this energy to connect to others 

Get in Touch


Benefits of Reiki

  • Promotes health and wellbeing 
  • Reduces anxiety 
  • Improves sleep
  • Balances the chakras 
  • Helps with digestive issues 
  • Detoxifies the body 
  • Releases emotional wounds
  • Accelerates natural healing of wounds
  • Helps with deep relaxation  

Benefits of remote Reiki

  • Some clients prefer remote Reiki because it is just as effective as face-to-face Reiki with added benefits
  • You don't need to leave your home 
  • You can be in the comfort of your pyjamas
  • You don't have to talk to receive feedback after the session
  • You can receive a written summary of your healing session if you prefer via email or text 
  • If you are ill and cannot leave your home
  • Save money on transport

 The only way for you to know if remote Reiki works is to try it for yourself. You may be surprised and find it's your favourite method of healing.

Please Note: Reiki is meant to be used as a complement to traditional care or as a personal relaxation or stress-reducing tool. It is not a substitute for qualified medical or traditional care.


Professional bodies

I am a member of the Reiki Federation and I follow their ethical standards.

I am committed to high professional standards, to enhance safety and to deliver a better service.

 Holistic Shop selling holistic products and crystals


 Booking and Cost

 07525 994109

to book an appointment click the link below 

Contact Leanne


Please allow up to 1 hour for treatments in person, this gives you some time to settle and discuss your treatment and feedback after your session.


£70 per session